Thursday 21 June 2012

Introductions Please

Have you ever wanted to set revision questions for you classes but somehow have never found sufficient time? The solution is that simple Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) can be set up by the students themselves. PeerWise is an amazing tool that has found favour in Higher Education around the world.  However, its collaborative and competitive features will provide ample support for Secondary Schools, High Schools and Colleges.

Originally developed by Paul Denny of the University of Auckland, New Zealand, PeerWise has had amazing success, not only in New Zealand but also in the USA and UK.  An excellently crafted tool, it is an incredibly easy tool to maintain and is almost completely self-regulatory.

The purpose of this post is to encourage present users to vouch for the product (which is completely FREE!) and to share ideas that might encourage newcomers to get stuck in and bring a significant level of student enjoyment to the whole issue of revision or learning.

Over the next few days and weeks I hope to share more links and tips.  However, what would be nice is to enter into good dialogues.  Your comments or suggestions please.


  1. So what is the URL for Peerwise itself, rather than this blog about it?

  2. Hi, David,

    link is:

    and scroll down to 'Join us'

    Best Wishes
